Wedge Wire Screen for Chemical Petrochemical

Wedge Wire screen is the preferred medium for the filtration of paints, resins, inks, dyes, drugs, chemicals and petrochemicals. Our manufacturing techniques have enabled us to offer bespoke solutions in many forms of flat panel, sieve bend screens and cylindrical pipes, processing materials down to the nanometric scale.

Wedge Wire Screen for Chemical Petrochemical

Wedge Wire screen in Chemical Petrochemical Applications:

Wedge Wire Support Grids

Wedge Wire Outlet Collectors

Wedge Wire Reactor Internals

Wedge Wire Pressure Vessels

Wedge Wire Reactors

Wedge Wire Mass Transfer Screens

Wedge Wire Reactor Housing

Wedge Wire screen in Chemical Petrochemical Advantages:

Can withstand large pressure drop

High mechanical strength

Type of slot can improve back flushing and regeneration performance

Resistance to pressure, corrosion and aging cause by chemicals

Low Maintenance

Hebei Yuanlv is a global player when it comes to the chemistry industry. And we hope can export our products to all over the world, hope can cooperation with more friends.




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